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mercredi 5 septembre 2012

Beginning of massage therapy

One can say with certainty that massage was born with humanity! It's primitive application was purely instinctive gesture. Actually it was likely good instinct that pushed us to place our hands on a sore spot in order to release tightness. Since those times, diverse massage techniques have been continually refined until today when we have numerous therapeutic applications in what is now called 'massage therapy'.

The massage therapist learns the tensions written in the body and works to alleviate these tensions of conflict, stress, fatigue and poor posture. And so the art and science of massage therapy continues to grow and develop always focused on the well being of the patient; both the physical health and the psychological well-being for both are intimately intertwined.
Contributed by Nathalie Michaud, R.M.T., Owner of The Healthy Habit, Grand Falls, NB

2 commentaires:

  1. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  2. really it's an important topic about massage therapy,in additional of that we can remove work stress using it for more read this
